Near death experiences (NDE) have been experienced by others all over the globe. There is much skepticism that an afterlife really exists. Why is that? I have trouble believing that there is no afterlife. Do you think it is the fear of facing one's mortality, or lack of faith? The question that perpetuates in my mind is to life is to death. As grim as this may sound we are born, we live and then we die. As there is a purpose to our life there has to be a purpose to our departure. Death is a subject no one wants to talk about because it is considered morbid, but honestly it is more likely fear then anything. I once read that death is the least talked about subject. To be quite honest I am not a huge fan of the topic either, but as I age their are more occurrences of death in my life. So it has forced me to face it regardless if I want too.
I don't dwell on my mortality, but, because I have a strong faith in the afterlife it does not scare me. There have been so many signs from from my departed ones that I am quite comfortable there is an afterlife. The people that do not believe do not receive the signs. They probably do, but they are just not cognizant of it. This reality troubles me. People are so desolate and I cannot imagine living my life not believing anything, or that we are not going to an afterlife. I am not a huge believer of hell though and ironically the people that don't believe in an afterlife believe in hell. I have heard " I am going to hell because I do not believe in God." If you believe in Hell then guess what, you believe in Heaven whether you choose to accept it or not because heaven and hell exist in some religions. As is said earlier I am not a huge advocate of hell because I firmly believe as we start to descend to the other side we seek forgiveness.
My grandmother lost her daughter at the age of nine. She slipped and fell into a dam. It was a horrific accident and this caused reprehensible damage to the family. My grandmother remained faithful and she went to church every Sunday. My family were active participants of the church, but when Gloria died my grandfather and father stopped going. I believe my grandfather was angry and felt that no God should do this. When my grandfather became ill he still did not have faith and my grandmother continued to go to church. When my grandfather died my grandmother told me just before he died he said to her "Do you think God will forgive me?" My grandmother said " God forgives us all." Minutes before his death he sought forgiveness.
There is nothing so terrible that cannot be forgiven and all of the NDE stories I have read every encounter has been beautiful and in many instances departed one loves are waiting. Almost all of my readings there is a bright light as well and instinctively they walk towards it. When they draw closer to the light they are told it is not their time. A friend of mine was in a terrible car accident four years ago. He was a passenger and was cut out of the car and then airlifted to the hospital.
The doctor's said it was a miracle he was still alive. He was unconscious for some time and when he came too he said he had a NDE experience and was told to go back it was not his time. He swore it was Jesus or looked like Jesus. People just don't make this stuff up and there are so many stories like this out there.
Anyone who knows me knows that I have had some communications from the afterlife. For those that do not know me Read more it will give you the shivers these events are not just coincidence. Some people think I am crazy, but those are the people who lack faith and spirituality and that makes me sad the one's soul is so empty. I read a quote the other day author is unknown but it said "Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons." This really resonated with me because I truly believe my spirituality scares some people because they do not believe in the afterlife.
The only thing I fear about death is how will I be remembered in this world we call earth. A pretty face ages and a perfect body ages but a beautiful soul will always remain a beautiful soul. While I am here on earth I want to be a pure, caring, forgiving and an honest soul. Each day I choose to be happy regardless of any obstacle that comes my way. I cannot be broken and I will not allow myself to be. Sometimes we face obstacles to see how we handle them. No road is perfectly straight their are twists and turns before you reach your destination. Don't look back because you cannot change the past. That is why we drive forward and not backwards.